A New Beginning: Opening Doors to New Challenges

Good evening, esteemed Toastmasters colleagues!

It is an honor and a pleasure to be here to share with you a story of transformation, courage, and rediscovery.

At 50, when many of my peers are considering slowing down and preparing for retirement, I chose a less conventional path. I want to tell you how I made the decision to completely reinvent myself, moving to a new country and starting a life from scratch.

For over two decades, my career was deeply rooted in computer science and business management in Bolivia. My professional journey began in the practical application of my studies, a Bachelor’s in Computer Science. I was part of innovative projects such as the development of an artificial intelligence system to detect flaws in the cement manufacturing process. This system not only optimized processes but also significantly reduced costs, marking a major advancement for the industry at that time. Then, I engaged in a project to monitor and track garbage trucks in the city of Cochabamba, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of municipal services. My last role in this phase was as the National Director of the Business Information Center at the Chamber of Industries of Cochabamba, working with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. It was here that I truly understood the global impact of industrial policies and their interaction with technology.

Later, in a second phase, I transitioned to corporate business management, where the challenges magnified. As CEO of the Industrial Beverage Group S.A., a group of companies dedicated to the production and packaging of juices, water, and non-alcoholic beverages. Later, I took on the role of Corporate CEO where I led a conglomerate of the 11 companies of YPFB Corporation, a state-owned gas and oil company with more than 6,000 employees and annual revenues of USD 6.314 billion, playing a crucial role in the Bolivian economy, including negotiations for gas sales to Brazil.

Parallel to my professional career and out of necessity when taking on these new professional challenges, my academic development was constant. I undertook several postgraduate studies, among which I can highlight a Master’s in Business Administration from the European School of Business in Spain and a Master’s in Integrated Engineering from the Hogeschool van Utrecht in the Netherlands, Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, culminating with a PhD in research and evaluation of academic quality, where I am currently working on my dissertation due to be submitted by the end of 2026. I could say that everything in my life was perfect, everything organized, with goals and life plans achieved and ready to enter the final straight of stabilization, thinking about dedicating myself to university education and being able to pass on to the new generations a bit of what I learned and achieved throughout my professional life.

However, life had other plans for me, life thought it was not yet time to think about stabilizing or retiring and life challenges you when you least expect it. At the end of 2023, I faced personal changes that led me to question my trajectory and life purpose. An unexpected divorce was the catalyst that made me reflect on what I really wanted for my future. It was a moment of deep introspection, where I decided it was time to live the dreams I had postponed. Youthful dreams of exploring the world, working in other countries, meeting new people, different cultures, and contributing in new ways.

With the decision made, at the beginning of 2024, I packed a suitcase with the essentials and, with a heart full of hope and determination, flew to Brazil. This was not an impulsive act, but rather the culmination of years of preparation and learning, including languages such as English and French, which equipped me with the necessary tools to adapt to a completely new environment. Brazil offers me a blank canvas. Here I hope to have the opportunity to rediscover myself both professionally and personally and to be part of a vibrant and diverse society. Starting from scratch in a new country is a tremendous challenge; however, it is also a living testament to our capacity for adaptation and resilience.

Here, every day is an adventure and an opportunity to learn something new, to expand my vision of the world and of myself. This journey is more than a change of geography; I like to think of it as a transformation of the soul. I share this story with you not only to narrate my transition but to point out that no matter our age, there is always the opportunity to reinvent ourselves, learn and grow. The journey of my life has taught me that every end, is in reality, a new beginning. Although this chapter of my life is just beginning, I am filled with enthusiasm for the opportunities and experiences that await me.

No matter what stage of life we find ourselves in, we always have the ability to open new doors and embark on new beginnings. Thank you for allowing me to share my journey with all of you. Let's move forward, opening doors to new challenges and starting anew, whenever necessary!

It's never too late to start anew!